Saturday, December 27, 2008

Talents For Sale

I promised you the story of Jesus. And it will come. But I've realized that such a daunting task has kept me from writing other things, so for now I am going to write about something else.

What is life? Oh, the youthful question. Trying to figure out what exactly I am doing here. Aren't we all?

I've been given talents. We all have. What do we do with them? What is the purpose in them? Back to the age-old question again .. What is the purpose in life?

"To glorify God" we always hear. Okay, how? Disciple. Great. Marry perhaps, have kids, love your family. Great. Tell people about Jesus. So great. But what about working? And the desires to pursue music, art, athletics or academics? What do we do with those?

What are those talents for? They certainly come from the Lord, since He is the Creator. He is the best musician, the greatest artist, the most superb athlete and the smartest academic. And He imparted those to us. Oh, what to do with them. And in the midst of it all - stay humble.

I know I am to use my talents for His glory. How, I am not sure yet. But I suppose He won't let me miss it, if I'm on the watch. One thing I do know is this...

I want to share what my Savior has shared with me.
Where I am talented, that I may teach.
Where I am blessed, to be a blessing.
Since I am loved, to love others.

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