Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fruit Loops

Wesley rocked house tonight.

The speaker guy man talked about a lot of great things that I needed to hear. What I want to write about and expand my thoughts on is the subject of a tree bearing fruit.

Jesus says as a tree bears fruit, so we will bear fruit when we become His children. John 15:1-5, He is the vine and we are the branches. No one can bear fruit apart from Him.

But the guy man brought up a really good point - trees don't struggle to bear fruit. They just ... do it. It's what trees do. Trees bear fruit, no questions asked. So why shouldn't it be the same with us, those of us who are God's children?

I feel like I struggle with this daily. I constantly second guess myself on whether or not I'm doing the right thing or if I should've hung out with that other person or gone to that other thing. I always wonder if I'm making a difference and feel as though I am not. I don't talk about Jesus to people as much as I wish I did.

But it shouldn't be a struggle. A relationship with Jesus is somewhat a struggle, because it's a relationship with an unseen God, and every relationship takes work no matter what. But bearing fruit should not be a struggle. It should be a natural part of who I am as redeemed.

So taking a look at my daily life, I am most certainly trying to live for Jesus. I try to make decisions based on what will bring Him the most glory. Am I achieving those things? Am I bearing fruit? I think it's a good question for anyone to ask. And if the answer is no, then why not? Is it because we're trying to bear fruit on our own when really the only way is when we're intimately connected with the vine?

And then I hear the words of guy man one more time. Jesus really likes you. He loves you. If I'm going to say it to other people, I must believe it for myself. He likes me. Does He like what I'm doing? I sure hope so. I continue to ask for leading, although many times it seems silent. We can never go wrong when we give our lives for others, since according to 1 John 2 we ought to walk in the way Jesus did.

But now I'm just rambling. Oh, to walk in the way Jesus did. Bearing fruit. Giving our lives unto death. Ouch.

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