Monday, March 1, 2010


A couple people have commented on me not blogging recently. I always hesitate to write after that, because I want to make sure I actually have something to say. But alas I think I do, so here goes.

I was staring at the full moon last night in wonder. In case you don't know, the sky is my favorite of all God's creation. Utterly breathtaking. But last night, I was imaging what it would be like if I knew nothing about the moon.

Let me explain. The light coming from the full moon was so bright that in a field that would have otherwise been pitch black, we could see everything. My face practically shone in the moonlight. And then I thought, if I didn't know that the moon was made of rock (slash cheese) and therefore incapable of shining on its own, I would think it was producing its own light. However, thanks to a fantastic UGA education for the past three and a half years, I know the moon only reflects the sun's light.

Naturally, I extended this metaphor to myself. Some might say that I am a friendly, kind, genuine, positive person (but ask my roommates). They may see a "light" about me. The thing is, that light's not mine. Anything that's good, or light in me was either created by God or has been redeemed by Him.

I am like the moon; I am nothing too spectacular. Just made up of a bunch of dust, and only if the Lord shines on me can I shine at all. I've heard humans called glory-coated dust and I like that. I am unique, and I serve a purpose, but I have no light of my own. Now, the more I open myself up to His Spirit in me the brighter I become - more like a full moon. And maybe the earth is like the sin that stands in the way of me being a full moon all the time. Or maybe I just took it too far.

But back to what's really important - if no one knows anything about me or the God of this Universe, they might not realize the light is not mine. They'll praise me for being friendly and forgiving when really they should praise Him for anything and everything good. I used to be afraid of accepting compliments for this reason, but now I just want to say "glory to Him" every time.

More than that, though, I want to boast in my weaknesses, my dusty dustiness. Trust me, I have a ton. Ask my roommates. I hurt people; I'm selfish; I'm forever prideful. I'd rather people know so that instead of building me up in their heads, they recognize the Holy God. Nothing good I do is of my own accord. And most of the time lately, I don't feel like I'm doing anything good at all. I feel stuck in a lunar eclipse.

But praise be to the One who mercifully shines on us even when we don't deserve it. So even if right now when all seems confusing I'm still producing a sliver of light, I know where it comes from. May we be willing to share why we reflect that light and that none of it is self-produced. Not one kilowatt. Dust cannot shine unless shone upon.

These lyrics by Jaime Jamgochian say perfectly what I'm trying to say:

Jesus, Light of the world
Shine on us, shine on us
Word of Life, spoken for all
Breathe on us, breathe on us
God's beating heart, live through us
Word of God, King Jesus

I am like the moon. I have no light of my own; I merely reflect the Sonlight.