Saturday, October 19, 2013

Two > One

Earlier this week I read an e-mail that asked, “What if it’s not who you marry, but why? What if God designed marriage to make us holy rather than make us happy? What if it’s about finding a ‘sole mate’ - someone to walk through your spiritual journey with?”

Those questions were so refreshing to me. Refreshing because they resonated as truth. If marriage isn’t about making me happy, then it’s okay if I’m not happy every second in marriage. If it’s not about who I marry, then it frees me from ever making comparisons. If it IS about finding someone to walk through this Kingdom life with, that sounds glorious to me. If it IS about making me more holy, sign me up. (Oh wait, I already did :) )

Two are better than one for all sorts of reasons. Two brings comfort, laughter, encouragement, friendship, teamwork, safety, support. But the most important thing two can do better than one is follow Christ. [Now I genuinely don’t just mean this in marriage - this applies to friendships, churches, family members, anywhere that 2 or more believers come together. In fact, I think that in that whole first quote, the words “friendship” or “the church” could be substituted for “marriage.”] Scripture tells us time and again that believers cannot follow God alone. We are weak - prone to temptation, prone to doubt. That is why we need each other. We need another’s reminder of faith when ours is flailing. We need another’s perspective when ours is dark. We need another’s prayer when we cannot pray.

When the purpose of marriage is put into perspective for me, it makes me so much more content. Marriage is not ultimately about giving me what I want, making me happy, or satisfying me. It is ultimately about pushing my spouse towards Christ and loving him as Christ does. And that goal is not only one that I can get excited about, but one that I can actually achieve. With His help.

Brent, you bless me. My God, thank You for him. May our marriage reflect You always.

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