Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Melt My Heart of Stone

This is long .... just read it .... :)

So, I was sitting in a SPCM rhetoric class of mine on Monday, and we were discussing the Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King Jr. A boy made a comment about the Civil Rights Bills that were passed around that time and said, "Here's the thing: you can make the laws, but that doesn't change the fact that people are still racist."

Thinking this was an interesting point, I wrote down in my notes - "Laws can't change people's hearts."

I looked at my paper and thought, Woah. Talk about Biblical implications.

So let's talk about the Old Testament laws. They were set in place by a perfect God. The laws He set up, if followed exactly, would make one perfect. He follows these rules, so to follow them would make us just like Him - perfect.

Well, there are two problems. First of all, none of us follow the law perfectly. Secondly, even if we did, just because we follow the rules doesn't mean we want to follow the rules. Follow me? :) It's just like the Civil Rights Laws - a racist white man may follow them so as not to get in trouble, but he doesn't want to. So then is he blameless?

I think we would all answer no, that at least in his heart he is not blameless, and this is what God says for us. He says even in the Old Testament while God's people were under the law that he desired love and mercy more than sacrifices (one of the laws - Hosea 6:6). It's a heart issue.

That's why in Luke 18:22-29, when a rich ruler came and told Jesus he had followed all the laws, Jesus said he was lacking only one thing. "Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." I think more than focusing on what Jesus asked him to literally do (sell everything and give to the poor .. although that is good!), Jesus was showing that this rich ruler didn't really want to follow God, he was just doing the right thing out of obligation. And let's be real, that guy had sinned in his life. So he needed salvation anyway.

So what we need is a change from the inside out! What those racist white men (or women) need more than the laws is a heart change. Am I right? If their hearts were pure and faultless, there would be no need for the law, because they would already be doing the right thing for the right reason (heart issue!). In a very practical sense, that's why older kids have less rules than younger ones, because they already know to do some things right. You don't have to tell them to "eat your vegetables" or "don't slap Susie" because they already know what to do. They don't need those rules.

There are so many implications I can't write them all. This is why we need Jesus, for we cannot save ourselves. Going back to that parable, after Jesus tells the rich ruler what he needs to do be saved (sell everything .. follow me), the disciples are overwhelmed and say,

"Who, then can be saved?"
Jesus replies, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

God Himself
has made it possible for us to be saved, otherwise it would be impossible - we couldn't even if we tried. Hallelujah, praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus, for doing what we could not do. He died on the cross for our sins because we cannot be perfect. Talk about amazing grace.

This is also why need the Holy Spirit living inside of us when we are saved ... our natural hearts will always be sinful and never want to follow God! We may "follow the rules" and "be a good person", but deep down we will want to break them.

Read Romans 7. It tells us about how the law was put in place to show us our sin. If the law wasn't there, we wouldn't know it was wrong. But the purpose of the law was never to save us. It was to show us we needed saving.

Mmm, so good. If this makes you wonder about the Old Testament and how people were saved before Jesus, it's a question I've wrestled with, too. This website sheds some light, it's strongly based on Scripture: Old Testament Salvation. Search other commentaries also; this is just some guy's informal interpretation. But if the Bible is true, there is an answer to this question. So go find it! Find all your answers! They're out there.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Good insight, Rae! I love it when God highlights a Biblical truth in unexpected ways.

Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying reading your insights and introspections. Keep 'em comin'! :-)